Petra Life Groups are the glue that holds the cells of Petra together. In the natural body, this adhesive substance is called "laminin." This protein is vital for the health and survival of the core tissue. Laminin is often referred to as an integral part of the structural scaffolding which keeps the body together. The Bible tells us that the church is a body, comprised of many members. The apostles identifed the "church" as the body of Chrrist.   When the church was formed on the Day of Pentecost there were no large church buildings, there were no cathedrals, there were no mega churches, etc. "Christians" met in homes - they went house to house - continuing in the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, and breaking of bread. They did life together.  

The goal of Petra Life Groups is to create a systematic yet evolutionary enviroment for discipleship and fellowship. LIFE stands for "living in fellowship everyday." Petra's  goal is to have Life Groups that meet daily in every community within Petra's geographic vision. 

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